Message ID: 0001496
Time Message Issued: 13:45
Date Message Issued: 05/01/2018
Incident Name: MINTARO
Issued for Mintaro
CFS advises that there is a STRUCTURE FIRE at a hay shed on a farming property at MINTARO.
The location of the emergency is approximately 2km south west of the Mintaro Township in the Mid North.
This incident is causing smoke to be seen in the Mintaro township and surrounding districts area(s). CFS asks that the local community remain aware of this incident due to the deteriorating fire weather over the coming days and they be prepared to activate their Bushfire Survival Plan should the fire escape to surrounding grassland.
You are advised to close all doors and windows and stay indoors if you suffer from any respiratory or cardiac conditions.
Be careful on the roads, as smoke may reduce visibility.

Shapes on this map image indicate the Warning Area to which this message applies.
BLUE: Advice Message; YELLOW: Watch and Act Message; RED: Emergency Warning
The incident is causing smoke to be visible in the Mintaro District and surrounding areas. Crews will continue to work on this site today .
For more information listen to your local ABC radio, or visit the CFS website
This message will be updated once the situation changes or by: Jan 06 2018 09:00