SA Country Fire Service

Media release

Be prepared for bushfires on your holiday travels


With Total Fire Bans expected across most of the state ahead of elevated fire dangers on Friday, now is the time to ensure your holiday plans include a Bushfire Survival Plan.
SA Country Fire Service State Duty Commander Yvette Dowling said anyone travelling this week needs to be aware of the Fire Danger Ratings of the areas along their journey.
"We have already seen large fires near popular holiday spots this season, with incidents in Yorketown and Myponga in the last few weeks," Ms Dowling said.
"Friday's weather will bring very challenging conditions for most of the state, as a front passes, if a fire does ignite."
School holidays will also mean travellers will be leaving home to head to popular areas on the Eyre Peninsula and along the south coast.
These areas will be busier than usual due to holiday activities, which may affect traffic conditions and travel times.
"Unfortunately bushfires don't take holidays, so people need to make sure they are aware of what is happening around them and have a Bushfire Survival Plan in place in case a fire starts.
"If you are travelling, check the conditions the night before you leave and think of where you might safely stop if a fire broke out before you reached your destination - or even delay your travel until conditions ease," Ms Dowling said.
Along your route identify Bushfire Safer Places where you can stop if a fire does start.
These are commonly found within built-up areas, such as towns and larger communities.
Bushfire Safer Places are also good areas to take a break, refuel and check on the conditions ahead.
Travellers can stay aware of Fire Danger Ratings, fires and Bushfire Safer Places in the areas they are traveling at
You can also keep advised by checking the CFS Facebook and Twitter messages, and by setting up watch zones in the Alert SA app to advise you of warning messages being issued in those zones.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia