SA Country Fire Service

Media release


CFS boosts Incident Control response capabilities



As South Australia's Fire Danger Season heats up, two Country Fire Service (CFS) staff have gained the nation's highest-level emergency qualification, significantly boosting the state's response capabilities.

The Level 3 Incident Controller Major Incident (ICMI) accreditation, delivered by NSW Rural Fire Service, allows recipients to lead and manage highly complex bushfire incidents.
Joining three other CFS personnel with this prestigious qualification are:

- Commander Ann Buesnel, Acting Director Strategic Operations
- Commander Jason Druwitt, Regional Commander CFS South East

The first South Australian female to gain the accreditation, Commander Letcher said she is relieved to have passed the gruelling 18-month course, not only boosting her skills but also CFS' capabilities.

"While CFS has an outstanding success rate in this course, the final assessment is incredibly difficult and no one walks out of that feeling great," Commander Letcher said.

"It's technically challenging, but it's also tough because you're required to think about who you are and how you operate when things go wrong - that can be quite confronting to people."
Commander Druwitt added that it is a credit to the CFS that five personnel now have the qualification.

"You don't want to embarrass your agency so there's some pressure that you put upon yourself," Commander Druwitt said.

"It's an extremely complex assessment and CFS now has five people who have attained the qualification, which I think is an excellent representation."

CFS Chief Officer Brett Loughlin said that CFS often requires the support of interstate agencies for Level 3 incidents, but the increase in highly qualified incident controllers reduces that need.
"A Level 3 incident is rare but highly complex and requires maximum coordination and management," Chief Officer Loughlin said.

"For CFS to have five Level 3 incident controllers within our agency shows we have a highly capable emergency services team.

"We are aiming for continued development in this space and, hopefully, each year we're able to turn out another two successful candidates."

Before undertaking the course, entrants must have a minimum of five years' emergency services leadership experience.

Two further CFS personnel are expected to be assessed for course completion in March 2025.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia