SA Country Fire Service

Media release

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Around 100 firefighters are continuing their efforts to contain a bushfire which has been burning near Port Lincoln since yesterday.

The fire which has burnt about 1,700 hectares has been confined to the Mungerowie Scrub area about five kilometres west of Port Lincoln.

There have been several flare ups in the north and north-east perimeter, near Winch Road which is generating smoke but overall, fire activity is still considered low.

The CFS is advising that the smoke may cause hazardous conditions on nearby roads and for motorists to drive with caution.

Also for people with respiratory problems near the fire to stay indoors and close all doors and windows until the smoke has passed.

CFS Incident Controller Richard de Groot said although the fire was generating a significant amount of smoke it was not posing any threat to life or properties.

"There's no immediate threat to the township of Port Lincoln however, the CFS is developing strategies to secure the fire perimeter in readiness for the warmer weather that we'll experience this weekend."

The CFS is being assisted by other agencies including SAPOL, SES and DEWNR.

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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia