Coomunga fire crews return home
The Country Fire Service (CFS) is sending strike teams home tomorrow from Port Lincoln who were deployed to battle the Coomunga blaze that burnt through 2200 hectares, approximately five kilometres from Port Lincoln.
Fire fighters have patrolled the fire ground perimeter on foot using thermal imaging equipment to monitor "hot spots" that have the potential to flare up.
Incident Controller Tony Costello said crews were preparing for Thursday morning which has higher temperatures and north-westerly winds forecast, indicating the potential for a fire ban day.
"While we have reduced the number of fire fighters on the fire ground, we still have a local strike team in place to monitor and respond to any possible flare ups," Mr Costello said.
"The joint fire fighting and incident management effort between the CFS and the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources has worked remarkably well, and we appreciate this ongoing support.
"Although the fire is contained, a change in weather conditions could see the fire reignite so we are keeping a watchful eye on the ground to monitor any changes. We ask that people remain aware and vigilant during this time."
Remedial earthworks are also underway on properties where fire breaks were cleared, and the CFS is working with landowners to rehabilitate any damage that may have been caused during the response to the fire.
A 'Community Fire Safe' program is available to the Port Lincoln community to discuss bushfire preparation.
For more information on the program, contact CFS Community Education Officer Therese Pedler on 0428 114 234. All local residents are strongly encouraged to attend.
For more information on bushfire preparation visit the CFS website at