Bushfire Action Week – the time to act is now
With summer almost upon us, all South Australians are being urged – during Bushfire Action Week - to develop a plan to save themselves, their families and homes.
Minister for Emergency Services Jennifer Rankine said some of the State's high bushfire risk zones are much closer than you think.
Speaking at the boundary between a high bushfire risk area and a lower risk area, at Golden Grove – Ms Rankine said Adelaide's suburban fringe was very close to some potentially deadly bushfire zones.
Ms Rankine and Country Fire Service Chief Officer Greg Nettleton, along with Metropolitan Fire Service Deputy Chief Officer Mick Smith, officially launched Bushfire Action Week on the oval at Golden Grove High School today.
"It is absolutely critical that residents in all areas that pose a risk prepare a Bushfire Survival Plan," Ms Rankine said.
"Complacency may kill you. You must plan and constantly think about bushfires.
"There will not be a fire truck waiting to help at the end of your driveway. Act now," she said.
Mr Nettleton said the CFS has established a hierarchy of three bushfire safer places - Bushfire Safer Settlements, Bushfire Safer Precincts and Last Resort Refuges.
"Anyone who lives, works or travels in an area where a bushfire can occur should know exactly where their safe precinct is," he said.
"You must know what to do during a bushfire. You must have a contingency plan. The most effective tool is a Bushfire Survival Plan."
South Australia is equipped with 14 aircraft to assist in aerial fire fighting – the second highest number in the country.
Throughout the year various initiatives have been undertaken to remind the community about the risk of the upcoming fire season.
In March, the Alert SA website was launched. With constant feeds from the State Emergency Service, CFS, SA Police and MFS – the site is critical for receiving urgent information.
"We have provided extra training again this year to our strong contingent of volunteers across the State," Ms Rankine said.
"The Government also recently established the Community Safety Directorate which will co-ordinate and develop strategy across all emergency service agencies to ensure thorough planning in the event of an emergency."
Activities planned during Bushfire Action Week include CFS Brigade Open Days, CFS Bushfire Education vehicle country visits and an interactive display in Rundle Mall.
A Community Fire Safe meeting will also take place on Thursday at the Aldinga Library. There will be an interactive presentation aimed at young children.
For more information about Bushfire Safer Places and Bushfire Action Week (October 28 – November 3) visit www.cfs.sa.gov.au