SA Country Fire Service

Media release

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Know regulations during FDS


Farmers are being urged to familiarise themselves with the fire regulations that are in place during Fire Danger Season, to avoid the accidental ignition of fires.

SA Country Fire Service (CFS) Regional Commander John Probert says there are strict controls on the use of certain machinery and equipment in the open, which will remain in place until the end of the Fire Danger Season.

"Farmers using machinery such as slashers must ensure there is a four metre clearance around the area they are carrying out the work, or they must have a shovel or rake and portable water spray on hand," Mr Probert said.

On days when a Total Fire Ban has been declared a permit is required to operate some equipment such as grinders or welders outside. Permits can be obtained from your local Council.

"It is critical that people working on the land exercise caution when operating machinery and put the appropriate precautions into place, and obtain the necessary permits," Mr Probert said.

The CFS Regional Commander says there have been many fires started from machinery being operated during agricultural activity.

"We have seen fires begin from machinery such as slashers, irrigation pumps and harvesters causing sparks, which have then ignited a fire," Mr Probert said.

"While we accept that some fires are accidental, they can nevertheless have devastating consequences."

Under legislation, there are strict regulations about the use of engines and exhaust systems during the Fire Danger Season.

"Only exhaust systems which are well-maintained, leak free and designed to prevent the escape of sparks and contact with flammable material can be used during the Fire Danger Season," Mr Probert said.

"Farms generally have significant amounts of combustible material present, so it is essential to have the correct safeguards in place to prevent a fire starting."

For more information on CFS fire regulations, visit the CFS website at or speak to your local Council Fire Prevention Officer.

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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia