SA Country Fire Service

Media release

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KI woodchip fire prompts public meeting


Country Fire Service (CFS) crews are continuing to monitor a woodchip fire which has been burning at a timber Mill on Kangaroo Island since late last night.

The fire at Timber Creek Mill about seven kilometres east of Parndana, was reported just after 11.30pm and is expected to continue burning for at least several more days.

Although the fire is posing no immediate threat to properties under current conditions, this situation could change tomorrow with a Total Fire Ban declared, a predicted wind change and forecast temperature of 37 degrees.

CFS Regional Officer Brenton Hastie said a wind change could potentially put several houses in the line of ember attack and thick smoke.

"'Tomorrow winds will turn north-westerly and could potentially result in several properties coming under threat from thick smoke and embers."

Three properties of particular concern are Parn Lee, Karmar and Dehra-Dun

The CFS has added resources from Adelaide with 12 appliances and fire crews.

There are currently 41 firefighters at the scene who have also been applying foam to suppress the fire.

A Community Meeting to provide more information about this fire will be held at 9am tomorrow morning (Monday 18, February) at Timber Creek Lodge at The Settlement off Timber Creek Road.

"I encourage everyone in the area to attend this meeting where information about the status of this fire will be updated including any risk to nearby properties," Mr Hastie said.

For media enquiries contact Brenton Hastie on (08) 8559 6192

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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia