SA Country Fire Service

Incident Update

Message ID: 0004043
Time Message Issued: 10:05
Date Message Issued: 28/12/2019

Origin / Name: CUDLEE CREEK

Incident Update - CUDLEE CREEK - Residents to remain vigilant


A Bushfire Advice Message is current for the Cudlee Creek fire.

There has been flareups throughout the previous days, with crews attending to breakouts and undertaking asset protection, with the assistance of aircraft.

Thermal imaging equipment is being used to identify hot spots so that crews can strategically target areas of concern, particularly on the western perimeter ahead of forecast temperature increases and wind changes.

Total Fire Ban conditions are forecast for Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Temperatures will remain hot, with lightening and windy condition forecast for Monday.

Any localised winds, along with the forecast weather will increase the chances of fire outbreaks.

There are large areas of unburnt vegetation within the fire ground. These areas may be impacted by fire if an outbreak occurs. Everyone should have a plan so they know what to do when a fire threatens.

Those inside the fire ground need to be vigilant for potential hotspots and re-ignitions. Those outside the fire ground should activate their Bushfire Survival Plan. If you don't have a plan make one now!

There is a significant police presence on the fire ground with additional patrols active.

Please be advised that road access is being continually reviewed and roads may close at short notice. Refer to for the latest information.

Skip bins have been provided in some towns for the disposal of household waste only. Community members needing assistance with removing the remains of animals can call Primary Industries and Regions SA on 1800 255 556.

For more information on Relief and Recovery visit Department of Human Services ( or phone the Recovery Hotline on 1800 302 787

To make a plan now visit

More information on preparing your property are available on the CFS website

For updates visit the CFS website ( or phone the Bushfire Information Hotline on 1800 362 361.

This message will be updated as the situation changes or before: Dec 28 2019 19:00


  • Check and follow your Bushfire Survival Plan
  • Decide what you will do if the situation changes
  • Look and listen for information on television, radio, internet, mobile phones and by speaking with neighbours


Do not rely on a single source for warning information.

For emergencies call Triple Zero (000)

End of Message

Stay informed

For emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

End of message.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia