SA Country Fire Service

Incident Update


Fox Fire

Issued for FOX near Callendale, approximately 20km south of Lucindale in the Lower South East.

The Fox Fire in the Lower South East is contained thanks to the hard work by firefighters throughout the past few days.

About 45 firefighters assisted with strengthening control lines, extinguishing hot spots and burning out operations across the fireground today. CFS volunteers have been assisted by the Department for Environment and Water, Farm Fire Units, Forest Industry Brigades, the Country Fire Authority, the Metropolitan Fire Service and contractors with heavy equipment.

Burning out operations were conducted in isolated unburnt patches of native vegetation along sections of the fire edge, to strengthen control lines in preparation for forecast hot and windy conditions on Wednesday.

The Fox Fire has burned approximately 600 hectares, within a large patch of private native scrub and plantation timber. The fire has also impacted at least one uninhabited property.

A base camp and staging area managed by the State Emergency Service have been established at the Naracoorte Showgrounds, with the Salvation Army providing meals to firefighters and the Incident Management Team and personnel from St John Ambulance on stand-by to assist as required.

The South East community may notice resources being strategically moved across the region with the fire adequately resourced with trucks and aircraft to suit the current fire behaviour.

Emergency services will be working on and around roads in the area, and motorists are advised to stay away.

Roads have been closed due to this incident, and it is unknown when they will be reopened. A full list of current road closures is available at:

Message ID 0008398

Stay informed

For emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

End of message.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia