Fox Fire
Issued for FOX near Callendale, approximately 20km south of Lucindale in the Lower South East.
In preparation for tomorrow's hot and windy weather, firefighters have continued to work on extinguishing hot spots on the Fox fireground in the South East.
More than 90 personnel, including firefighters, the Incident Management Team and Regional Command Centre remain in the South East to manage the Fox Fire and any other potential incidents that might arise during tomorrow's elevated fire danger weather.
The Fox Fire has burned approximately 600 hectares, within a large patch of private native scrub and plantation timber. The fire has also impacted at least one uninhabited property.
Crews have been busy throughout the past few days checking control lines, burning out isolated patches of native vegetation along sections of the fire edge and extinguishing any hot spots across the fireground ahead of tomorrow's weather.
Additional aircraft including a bomber and observation helicopter will be deployed to the South East from tomorrow morning to further support firefighters to tackle any unexpected outbreaks. This brings the total number of aircraft in the region to seven. Observation flights are also likely to happen throughout the day to provide further intelligence over the fireground, including an infra-red linescan aircraft to detect and record any fire activity.
Facilities to accommodate more than 100 people have been established and are being managed by the State Emergency Service at the Naracoorte Showgrounds where tents and stretcher beds have been set up for people working day and night shifts.
The Salvation Army is working hard to provide meals to firefighters and the Incident Management Team, while personnel from St John Ambulance are assisting to provide first aid as required. The safety of personnel on the fireground of highest priority, with hydration and rest a key focus.
As the South East begins to welcome travellers for the South East Field Days at Lucindale we remind the community to activate their Bushfire Survival Plan as an Extreme Fire Danger Rating has been declared for the Lower South East for tomorrow.
The community is reminded that emergency services are working in the area and motorists are advised to stay away. Road closures remain in place and a full list of current closure is available at:
Message ID 0008422