SA Country Fire Service

Incident Update


Issued for Karatta near Mount Taylor and Gosse on Kangaroo Island.

The CFS will remain in attendance overnight at a grass and scrub fire near Karatta on Kangaroo Island, South Australia.

Approximately 25 CFS personnel on three tankers, and one bulk water carrier are working on the fireground which is now controlled. Crews will stay on site to mop up any hot spots and ensure the fire doesn't reignite. They will also use heavy plant equipment to create a break around the perimeter of the fire.

The fire started in farmland at just before 11am this morning and then jumped a road and spread into native vegetation. Crews worked hard to contain it to the scrubland and prevent it from impacting any farming structures, with the support of CFS aerial firebombers and observational aircraft

The cause of the fire is believed to be the result of a private burn off that got out of hand.

Smoke may be impacting roads in the area, and visibility is also reduced. To ensure your safety and that of firefighters and other emergency personnel who are working in the area, please do not enter the area unless necessary.

This message will be updated as the situation changes or before: May 30 2024 09:30

Stay informed

For emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

End of message.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia