SA Country Fire Service

Incident Update

Message ID: 0002464
Time Message Issued: 13:28
Date Message Issued: 07/12/2018

Origin / Name: KEITH

Emu Flat Road Incident Update


A Reduced Threat Message has been issued for this fire and surrounding areas. This fire had the potential to impact on the Duke's Highway and the Adelaide-Melbourne rail line.

A quick response from CFS crews, heavily supported by Farm Fire Units has been able to bring the fire under control. One house was threatened, but has been saved, although a number of sheds have been impacted.

Crews are working with the support of machinery to further strengthen control lines and complete mopping up to make the area safe ahead potentially worsening fire weather conditions later today. Crews will remain on scene patrolling the fire area until the fire is made safe and is handed back to local land holders.

People in surrounding areas are asked to remain informed of current conditions and alert to any fires that occur over coming days. Current weather conditions will result in fast moving and erratic fires, therefore members of the public are ask to respond to any warnings issued and take action to stay safe.

For updates visit the CFS website ( or phone the Bushfire Information Hotline on 1800 362 361.

This message will be updated as the situation changes or before: Dec 07 2018 14:43


  • Check and follow your Bushfire Survival Plan
  • Decide what you will do if the situation changes
  • Look and listen for information on television, radio, internet, mobile phones and by speaking with neighbours


Do not rely on a single source for warning information.

For emergencies call Triple Zero (000)

End of Message

Stay informed

For emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

End of message.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia