SA Country Fire Service

Media release

SA Fire Services sending 60 firefighters to help Queensland


A contingent of 60 firefighters, plus Incident Management Team staff and Commanders will fly to Queensland tomorrow afternoon to help the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services battle an unprecedented amount of fires burning across the state.
Queensland firefighters are currently fighting eight significant fires and up to 80 smaller fires, with the number of fires expected to grow rapidly over the next few days due to extreme conditions.
As South Australia commences its Bushfire Danger Season, firefighters from the SA Country Fire Service, SA Metropolitan Fire Service and Department for Water and Environment will join the 250 firefighters that have been requested from across Australia and New Zealand to help Queensland crews.
Queensland are reporting unprecedented bushfire behaviour and activity, and large areas across the state are experiencing record temperatures and heatwaves.
The South Australian firefighter contingent is expected to leave Adelaide Airport tomorrow afternoon, with flight times to be confirmed tomorrow morning.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia