SA Country Fire Service

Media release

Umuwa community saved from fire


SA Country Fire Service (CFS) and community members have successfully protected the Umuwa community in the APY Lands from a large fire overnight.

The Mount Woodroffe fire began on Thursday, September 6 and was burning in mostly inaccessible terrain. However, strong winds yesterday pushed the fire onto the flats and towards the community. The fire is now approximately 160,000 hectares.

Acting Region 4 Commander, Ann Letcher said preparation work from CFS volunteers, the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands Council, and Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation (RASAC), along with community members meant the fire did not impact the town.

"Grader breaks constructed in the lead up to Friday, protected the town when the fire approached last night," Ms Letcher said.

"This work shows how important preparation and breaks around communities are in this area.

"Without the combined work of CFS, local services, and the community, this fire may have been devastating."

The fire has now been contained and crews have reported no fire activity near the town this morning. Firefighters have worked to black out any hot spots and ensure the burnt area around the power station has been fully extinguished.

"Our volunteers, both locals and those brought in to assist, have worked tirelessly over the past few days. We thank them for their commitment and hard work to ensure this community was kept safe."

Those volunteers from outside of the area will now start traveling home, while locals will continue to monitor the area.

MEDIA NOTE: CFS has images and footage of the fire - please contact the Media Unit on 08 8115 3531 for access.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia