SA Country Fire Service

Incident Update


Incident Update

Issued for HART near Brinkworth in the state's Mid North.

The SA Country Fire Service is currently on scene of a hay shed fire on Mcewin Road in Hart near Brinkworth.

CFS firefighter on 3 fire trucks have been assisted by local landowners working to pull apart the burning piles of hay within the shed, which also contained a large piece of farming machinery.

Thick black smoke may be visible from this fire, and is expected to be visible for the coming 24 hours.

The estimated damage bill is $500,000.

This is a timely reminder for all agricultural landowners to check on haystacks for any signs of smoke or heat.

Message ID 0007889

Stay informed

For emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

End of message.

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia