CFS 5 Minute Bushfire Plan Website Header

Create your own Bushfire Plan, in 3 easy steps

Would you remember a plan that's just in your head if you're surrounded by smoke, heat and flames?

Making a choice when a bushfire threatens is too late. Your safety and survival during a bushfire will depend on how prepared you are and the decisions you make, and a written plan will take the pressure off you and avoid arguments and delays.

So don't wait - create your 5 Minute Bushfire Plan now for you, your family, and your pets and livestock.

Things to consider when completing your plan

Think about who your plan will protect:

  • Me
  • Other Adults
  • Children
  • People who need assistance
  • Pets and livestock

Consider what you'll do if:

  • You're at work
  • The pets run away
  • The children are home alone
  • You have guests over
  • Your escape route is blocked

Discuss key decisions with your household:

  • Is everyone going to leave early?
  • Where will you go?
  • What will you do with your pets?
  • What will you take with you?
  • Who do you need to keep informed of your movements?

Step 1 of 3: My plan to leave early

We recommend you plan to leave early on days that are forecast as catastrophic or are of high fire danger. It's important to discuss your plan with all members of the household and agree to it.

Do not attempt to leave if you are not sure of a clear exit or fire is too close.

My triggers

Triggers are the signs that will help you decide that it is time to leave early.

What I will take

Pack important items that you'll need to survive a bushfire as well as items precious to you.

My plan for pets and livestock

People die in fires trying to save their animals. Decide in advance what you'll do with your pets and livestock.

Where I will go

On high fire danger days, your safest option is to visit family, friends, or attractions in a Bushfire Safer Place.

We can use your postcode to automatically populate useful information into your final plan.

Bushfire Safer Place and Bushfire Last Resort Refuge:

  • Yellow shaded areas show your Bushfire Safer Places: Suitable for use during forecast bad fire weather or during a bushfire. May be subject to sparks, embers and smoke.
  • Green dots show your Bushfire Last Resort Refuges: For if your plan has failed. Not suitable for extended use and provides only limited protection during bushfire. Bushfire Last Resort Refuges are your LAST choice of location to shelter from a bushfire.

Step 2 of 3: My plan to stay and defend

Planning to stay and defend is a big decision. Most homes in high-risk bushfire areas are not defendable on Catastrophic days.

Only stay and defend on days of high fire danger if you are well prepared and your home is properly constructed and prepared to the highest level.

Before the fire arrives

Outside your home
Inside your home

When the fire arrives

After the fire passes

Step 3 of 3: Important information

Your Bushfire Plan outlines what actions each member of your family/household will take on fire risk days and if the bushfire threatens. Having phone numbers and details of key contacts is an important part of bushfire planning.

My details

Essential phone numbers

Populate this section with information for other essential contacts not listed above. This could be your extended family members, schools, places of work, friends and neighbours and any other numbers you think you might need.

Local ABC radio frequency

My fire ban district

Identify your fire ban districts.
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