Prescribed burns

Prescribed burning is the controlled use of fire on a particular area of landscape. The aim is to strategically reduce fire fuel hazards on public and private land across South Australia.

Reducing fuel hazards is important as it can:

  • make bushfires easier to control
  • help prevent a bushfire spreading to residential areas
  • save lives and property.

Prescribed burning is also used for ecological reasons, such as:

  • the protection and maintenance of animal habitats
  • regeneration of plant species and communities that are reliant on fire
  • improved biodiversity within parks and reserves.

State Government land management agencies including the Department for Environment and Water (DEW), ForestrySA and SA Water conduct prescribed burns as part of their fire management programs.

Many prescribed burns are conducted jointly with CFS brigades.

More information

Local Council and residential burns are not included in the Prescribed Burns list.